Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Joy....and Strength..

I found it today, a perfect flower of the daisy family, a hybrid planted for its hardiness and color near the Taco Bell sign in Agoura (I know, I know, but my son likes Taco Bell and it is the least noxious of the fast food places on the Studio end of Kanan..). I looked at it and got my camera out and photographed it, and it occurred to me that there is joy to be found in every day.....sometimes the pieces are very small, and one has to look for them, or pay close attention in order to see them, but they are there...every day.

I see joy every day.

The more I grow in and from strength, the more joy I am able to see and feel.

I see strength every day.

I see it in my amazing clients. I see it in how this place, the Studio, energizes them. How one comes in as tired as I've ever seen her, beat by the excreta and minutiae of her day as well as the larger issues of living that affect us all, and she finds the strength to work hard...to want to work hard...doing so...and leaving smiling, stronger, brighter!

I see it in the fierce love of another client toward her children, steering them and her through legal and stormy weather, being classy, generous, beautiful and funny...being strong!!!

Connections being made or remade at the Studio. Plans of mutual support.

I am in joy with the strength of my clients!

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